
Modo 801 imperial
Modo 801 imperial

modo 801 imperial

Saint-Vincent-de-Mâcon for the souls of " patris mei Alberici…et matris " Letaudus comes et uxor mea Berta" donated property to Letaud dated 935 and " Etolane" mother of Letaud in the " Tolosane" is named as wife of Alberic in a charter of her son Marriage to " filiam Raculfi vicecomitis post mortem domini Bernonis Matiscensis episcopi". The genealogy of the Comtes de Mâcon, included in the cartulary of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon, names " Albericus Narbonensis" and refers to his Vicomte de Mâcon & his wife - (-after, maybe after 28 Mar 943). The necrology of Mâcon Cathedral records the death " IV Id Sep"Īlthough this entry could alternatively refer to Count Aubry (see below). " Albericus comes" donated property to Saint-Vincent de Mâcon by charter dated subscribed by " Letaudi, Ermentrudis coniugis Property " in comitatu Belnensi.in uilla.Nolliacus et.in uillaĬrisentiaco", for the souls of “ genitoris nostri Richardi etĪdheleidis”, in the presence of “ Gilbertus comes, Albericus comes etįilius eius Leotaldus et Adso noster fidelis”, by charter dated 1 Sep 936, " Albericus comes" by charter dated " die Martis Kal Jan anno VIII regnante Rodulfo rege" subscribed by " comes Letaldus, uxorĪlthough, as noted below, the reference to Letaud's wife Berta suggests that Matiscensis episcopi", stating that he subsequently installed himselfĬomte de Mâcon. Marriage to " filiam Raculfi vicecomitis post mortem domini Bernonis Ī genealogy of the Comtes de Mâcon, included in the cartulary of Saint-Vincentĭe Mâcon, names " Albericus Narbonensis" and refers to his That the parents were deceased at that date. Raymundæ.Walchario et.Albericho vicecomite", the wording implying Narbonne, names " infantes Majolo vicecomite et uxori suæ Under which Arnust Archibishop of Narbonne donated property to Saint-Paul de Of MAYEUL Vicomte de Narbonne & his wife - (- 945, bur Besançon Indicating Guillaume II Duke of Aquitaine who was also Comte d'Auvergne. " Girbaldus", " residente quondam domno Wilelmo iuniore, Under the jurisdiction of the comtes d'Auvergne, as shown by a charter of He appointed Raculf as Vicomte de Mâcon, who witnessed a charter as such in 893 ,Īnd whose daughter married Aubry de Narbonne who became Comte de Mâcon. Matescense villam.Cluniacus” to “ Warinus comes.et uxori suæ Albanæ” Original dependence from the county of Auvergne is confirmed by the charterĭated 825 under which Hildebaud Bishop of Mâcon granted property “ in.pago Guillaume "le Pieux" Duke of Aquitaine was also known as Comte de Mâcon, a title which he presumably held in his capacity as Comte d'Auvergne. The earlier pagus Matisconensis covered the same territory as the Matisconensis" is in a charter of Charles II "le Chauve"

modo 801 imperial

The earliest reference which has been traced to " comitatus Alix heiress of theĬounty of Mâcon and her husband Jean de Dreux sold the county to Louis IX King Ruled by a branch of the family of the counts of Burgundy. The southern part of the area which later evolved into the duchy of Burgundy,Īlthough administratively from the late 10th to the early 13th centuries it was Of Saône-et-Loire on the border with Ain. It is today situated in the eastern part of the present-day French département

modo 801 imperial

Kilometres south-east of Cluny abbey and about twice that distance south of The town of Mâcon is located on the Saône river, about 15

Modo 801 imperial